Bruno the Wonder Griff with the Ultimate Upland Vehicle - Owned by George and Celeste Mclean
I hope the new year finds everyone with sore feet, content dogs and a full freezer. I know some folks are still chasing roosters in Kansas or Chukars on some western rimrock…..(I’ve got at least one more trip in the works….if I could only get a dog to “come into season” …..as the trip pivots around a “rendezvous” with a particular dog in Oregon.)
 2011 was a great “Launch Year” for the Montana Sharptail Chapter – As I’ve visited with several folks around the chapter, it seems as though last year will be the perfect stepping stone to an even better 2012.  Highlights from last year include:
                *A new chapter that grew to more than 70 members
                *4 Registered Youth Members
                *16 Training Days at 4 different venues around the state of Montana
                *4 Days of NAVHDA testing at 2 phenomenal sites
    *An unparalleled  and selfless “Volunteer Ethic”
As we look to the future of the Chapter, it is key that we continue to define and refine our mission, and continue in a direction that not only meets the objectives of NAVHDA International, but insures the chapter is an asset to each Sharptail Chapter Member and their dogs.  As we head toward an “Annual Meeting,” hopefully everyone has a chance to consider the objectives of the chapter and how we move forward.  I’ve had some great input from Chapter Members and Board Members throughout the year….To summarize, I’d say our “Informal Mission Statement” is pretty simple and straightforward…..something akin to:
“The Montana Sharptail NAVHDA Chapter Exists to Promote a
Lifelong Love of Versatile Hunting Dogs”
When we founded the chapter less than a year ago we prioritized the following basic tenets:
                *Care of individual dogs and stewardship of versatile breeds is a chapter priority
                *Training in the Chapter will focus on continued training for hunting…..not just testing
                *Youth Membership is free as long as each youth member has an adult member ‘sponsor’
                *Youth Handlers pay 50% Test Fees
Training Camps ran smoothly as our main objective was to not train individual dogs, but collectively become better dog trainers…..As a result, we were able to run several venues within a training day and folks jumped in and adopted an attitude not of “when does MY dog get to go?” ….but rather…“Let’s get YOUR dog on the ground.”
Our 4 Test Days went flawlessly as we had a great team of Judges and a model volunteer effort.  The food was delicious and plentiful.  A huge thanks of course goes to our hosts…….The Girtmans for our June test, and the Dooling Ranch for our August test.  Both sites are outstanding and we are grateful for their use.
“NATURAL ABILITY” Tests and/or training for them are frequently a new member’s first (and frequently their only) contact with NAVHDA.  If we continue to focus on quality events and continued training for not just “Testing” but for “The Hunt” as well, we should have no problem continuing to thrive as a chapter.
I’ll be working with other Board Members to put a date and place on the calendar in the coming month for our Annual Meeting.  Chapter resources include a positive balance in the checking account and the generous contribution of a Higgins Release with a Dogtra Receiver and Multi-Release Transmitter from the family of ‘Bruno the WonderGriff.’  As we look to the coming year, expanding those resources will be a priority in order to serve a growing and enthusiastic membership……
….For now, here’s to Happy, Healthy, Well Cared-for and Well-Trained Versatile dogs with owners that have a proud grin between their ears………HAPPY 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!