Ken Wigen with Liege - Bracco Italiano - Big Hole Valley, August 2012
After a very productive meeting we are off and running. It is great to see a chapter that continues to expand opportunities around the state and stays committed to new members, youth, and the idea of "training outside of testing." As per tradition, we plan training opportunities around the state including Great Falls Area, Billings Area, Whitefish, Big Hole and possibly in Three Forks (Bozeman Area.) It is hard to imagine serving such a great geographic area without the commitment of a phenomenal volunteer effort. As the season evolves, we will again be counting on both experienced and new members to "jump in" and make it all happen.

Membership is key, and we are happy to offer a great opportunity to new members. We are hoping to have renewing members get their dues and application in by the end of February. (Last Year's Membership Roster will stay up on the website until the end of the month, at which point we will update with all members who have sent their application and dues in.) New members have the option of paying standard dues, or opting for a "New Member Option" of paying up front for a second year at half price. We want to offer this option as our commitment as a chapter to stay dedicated to new NAVHDA members "beyond Natural Ability."......We want to be there for folks whether they want to train for future testing, or simply continue to improve the skills of their hunting companion. Membership dues are as follows:
$30.00 Individual Membership (Available to New or Renewing Members)
$50.00 Family Membership (Available to New or Renewing Members)
$45.00 2-Year Individual Membership (Available to New Members Only)
$75.00 2-Year Family Membership (Available to New Membersh Only)
$100.00 Sponsor Level Membership (individual or Family Membership....With a little added "Boost" to the chapter.)
$350.00 Individual Lifetime Membership
$500.00 Family Lifetime Membership
Youth are free as long as they have an adult Sharptail Member Mentor
We are pleased to welcome Rae Brown, Jane Wigen and Sally Shortridge to the Montana Sharptail board of directors. Many thanks to Stephen Brown for his two years of service. Unfortunately the chapter will be losing Tony and Michelle Weber as they are moving to Ohio. Tony and Michelle have been model volunteers and we will miss them greatly.
Test Dates have been approved by NAVHDA International and are as follows:
Billings, Montana
May 18 & 19 Natural Ability (NA) 10 spots available per day.
John Arkins - Test Secretary
Whitefish, Montana
June 8 & 9 Natural Ability, Utility and UPT - 10 NA and 6 UT/UPT or as filled by NAVHDA's daily formula
Tom Healy - Test Secretary
Wisdom, Montana
August 9, 10 & 11 Natural Ability, Utility and UPT - 20 NA and 6 UT/UPT or as filled by NAVHDA's daily formula.
The first 6 UT/UPT will be slotted for Saturday the 10th.
Tom Healy - Test Secretary
A fillable Test Entry Form can be found here:
Test Fees for 2013:
Natural Ability NA : $125.00
Utility Preparatory Test UPT: $165.00
Utility Test UT: $165.00

Test Entries can be sent to:
Montana Sharptail NAVHDA
PO Box 5255
Whitefish, MT 59937

Montana Sharptail Members have priority for registration until 90 days out from a test.......At that point entry is open to all NAVHDA Members. Entries are not official until test fees are received by the chapter.

Training Days and Weekends will be published as we schedule them. We are currently working on putting together more Natural Ability Seminars for late winter and early spring, as well as hopefully adding a Utility/Utility Prep Seminar for folks interested for this year or future years. Look for Training and Mock Testing opportunities to be available around the state and posted to the weblog soon.

As always, feel free to email or call Tom at 406-212-0602

Will sends Dezi (Weim) for the NA Plunge - August NA Test - Big Hole Valley - Wisdom, MT