January 5, 2017

Happy New Year to all the Montana Sharptail Family!

I hope your hunting season was filled with memorable points and the smell of gun powder.

Training, testing and NAVHDA fun is just around the corner.  The Board is looking forward to an event filled season working with our wonderful versatile gun dogs. 

It’s that  time of year to renew your chapter membership.  We need your support.  Members keep our chapter active, healthy and growing. If you have already renewed, thank you.
Current yearly membership fee is $30.00 for a single or $50.00 for a family membership.
If you know anyone interested in joining, please refer them to the website.

Here is the link for renewals and new memberships.

It is likely our membership fees will have to increase at some point.  Your early renewal ensures renewal at the 2016 membership rate.  We very much appreciate your support.

The board has a few ideas of training and testing opportunities and we would like to hear from the members on their wants for chapter activities. Contact a broad member to share your ideas.

The chapter is pursuing two tests this year with potential locations of Whitefish and Wisdom.
Nothing has been set yet.  However it will be important to get our event dates set as soon as possible to ensure we secure volunteers, birds, judges and facilities.

If you are interested in hosting training events in your area, we can help with equipment, birds and training support.  Training dates will be established in early spring.  

There are a few critical duties we need to fill this year.  We are looking for a Test Secretary and a chapter treasurer.  If you have interest in either, please contact me to find out more about the job.

Thanks for being a Montana Sharptail NAVHDA member!
Much more to come.

John Arkins
Chapter President